Useful information

Useful information

Types of water meters

The consumption of potable water for each property is measured by a meter-water meter. Water meters must function properly, and must be sealed. The properties that are supplied are generally divided into two types: Individual and Buildings - condominiums.

For individual properties (houses, public buildings, commercial premises and business enterprise) using water for technological purposes, the water consumed is measured through one water meter installed on the connecting plumbing.

For condominiums there are two types of water meters:

1. Common (central water meter) that measures the total amount of water consumed in the building. The common water meter enables to control and detect in time violations or technical failures in the indoor water supply network.

2. Individual (control) water meters. They are installed in apartments, shops or offices that are parts of condominiums. They measure the consumption of cold and hot water (in heated buildings).

Water meters are the property of the subscribers and it is their responsibility to purchase and install them. The responsibility for the maintenance, inspection and repair of these water meters is the responsibility of the subscriber.

Reading of water meters

The water meter readings are reported by collectors (inspectors). Reporting of water meter data is related to visiting the houses of citizens. Each subscriber, opening and having a billing account for apartment water meters, also undertakes to provide legitimate officials with free access for reporting, checking and eventually dismounting water meters. If you are unable to provide access to control (apartment water meters), you may report the numbers reported by you or arrange a convenient time and day for reporting with the collector. If the above conditions can′t be met for a maximum of two reporting periods you will be charged for official consumption (by default).

The water meter collector (inspector) shall take the data from the central and apartment water meters, the difference between the data from the central water meter and the sum of the readings of the apartment water meters is divided proportionally to the individual consumption or to the way accepted by the general assembly of the entrance.

Where to look for the reasons for the big differences in the data of the central water meter and the sum of the readings of the apartment water meters

• Poor condition of the internal plumbing;

• Unregulated reconfiguration of the inside-building plumbing and inclusion of users without a control water meter;

• Lack of seals of the water meter connectors;

• Periodic verifications were not made within the prescribed time limits

Water meter verification

Requirements for water meters used for measurements related to commercial payments according to the Low of Measurement of the State Agency for Metrological and Technical Surveillance / General Directorate Metrological Surveillance /

Periodicity of verifications:

Water meters with Qn (Q3) <15m3/h - 5 years

Water meters with Qn (Q3)> 15m3/h - 2 years

Water meters installed after a common water meter - 10 years

Combined water meters with Qn (Q3)> 15m3/h -2 years

/The information is updated 01.01.2019/

The meter can be removed for repair only by an employee of the Water Supply Company, which prepares a disassembly protocol with the data for the water meter number and its readings. After each verification, repair (dismantling and installation) of fittings and water meters, the connector of the plumbing unit must be sealed by representative of Water Supply Company. Any manipulation performed without the knowledge of the water Supply Company is considered an infringement.

Models of water meters

Here are some examples of how to read the data of the most popular models of water meters:

The black figures show the cubic meters and the red ones the liters. The arrow shows the milliliters.

When reporting the amount of water consumed, only liters are reported.

This is the way to report the data of Belasitsa dry type water meters.

The black arrows show the cubic meters and the red ones - liters.

When reporting the amount of water consumed, only liters are reported.

This is the way to report the data of Belasitsa (4k wet arrows type water meters).

Figures show cubic meters, and the arrows - the liters.

When reporting the amount of water consumed, only liters are reported.

This is the way to report the data of Belasitsa (4k wet combined type water meters).



Requirements for individual water meters to be installed and put into operation

Have a Type Approval Certificate; Manufacturer's audit by a certified body

Manufacturer's Declaration of Conformity; Have a marking in accordance with Directive 2014/32 / EU

Graphic representation of the markings for the respective water meters

SK xx - year of issue of the certificate (Revision xx)

MI001 - measuring instrument - water meter SMUxxx - certificate number

On each water meter, the acknowledged values must be clearly and indelibly marked without disconnecting the water meter:

• Manufacturer's name or logo and postal address;

• type of water meter;

• measuring units;

• numerical values of Q3 and the ratio Q3/Q1;

• production number and year of production (the first two digits of the number are the year of production);

• EC Certificate Number + Notified Body Number;

• the highest admissible pressure, if different from 1MPa;

• the letter V or H if the meter can only be operated in vertical or horizontal position;

• class of pressure loss if it differs from ∆p 63;

• class of climatic and mechanical environment;

• flow profile sensitivity class; direction of flow;

Protection against unauthorized interference

  • Placing seals with company signs linking the counter and the body as a precautionary measure against intervention.

What are the conditions for legalizing water meters?

The legalization (validation) of water meters for cold and hot water is done by sealing them to the water pipe with a plastic seal. Water meters are sealed when:

• Not more than 10 years have passed since the last metrological verification;

• the connection of the lead seal to the water meter is not interrupted;

• the water meter has no external damage and its dial is clean;

• the counter mechanism is not blocked;

• all manufacturer's requirements for installation of the water meters are met, - the water meter has been manufactured not earlier than the year preceding its installation and sealing.

The Ordinance on measuring instruments subject to metrological control states:

"The initial verification of measuring instruments shall be valid until the end of the calendar year following the year of the verification, unless otherwise specified in the Ordinance under Article 28".



2019-07-15 12:00:06 UTC